that were pretty funny but didn't come within miles of the financial success of this one. Evidently the fact wasn't lost on Crosby and probably wont be on others. Laybe we'll have a run of them.
Denver Courts are having a time with the case of a young man arrested in one of the parks with his mother. He is 22 and was wearing jeans, red sweater and his hair in a pony tail with red ribbons. Its giving the law a lot of thought on the subject of what its legal to wear.
The "Story of Bessie", orginally published by Haldeman- Julius is again in print. Write to Little Blue Books Box 31 Girard, Kans. Ask for #1856. This was written about early life of author of "Life with Aunt Cora".
We understand that Lynne Carter, famous Impersonator has a record out--Fiesta label, called "She's" a He--12in.
Police in both Camden J.J. and Columbus, Ohio have re- sored to cross-dressing policemen to catch mashers. Ser- eral were arrested till one got a bright lawyer who claim- ed cops were using "agents Provocateur and got it stop- ped. Why can cops do it legally (?) when we cant?
Faces were red in Minneapolis when a routine check by the super. of the women's workhouse revealed that shape- ly Laverne Jones who was serving a 10 day term for drunk- enness, was actually a man. Jones had completed a 15 day sentence in the men's workhouse same day he was sen- tenced to the women's detention home. Dressed in women's clothes Jones, a model prisoner (I should say so--ad.) escaped physical exam. by feigning illness. Same Judge sentenced him both times. ((Proably just got bored with the same surroundings and wanted a change of scenery. Remember the statue of "Justice" being blind? ))
From JET: Bernard Wilson, who commands as much as $150 a week as personal maid to show business celebs, won the trophy for being the vears best female impersonator. wears his employer's clothes at all the big events.